Politics & Government
SACOG director tacitly warns Elk Grove City Council about transportation funding challenges
Mr. Corless stressed the importance of preserving funding by working with the local congressional delegation in Washington, D.C.
Politics & Government
Mr. Corless stressed the importance of preserving funding by working with the local congressional delegation in Washington, D.C.
Environmental News
No details were released on what transpired to get the Bureau to renew the funding after the contract expired.
Politics & Government
Among the highlights were reports from the Sacramento Area Council of Governments and the Elk Grove Police Department.
Community News
"I asked ChatGPT to describe Elk Grove with brutal honesty, and this was the response."
Environmental News
The State Water Board’s hearing platform was the direct target of this cyberattack, everyone in the hearing room or viewing the proceeding on YouTube was harmed.
Environmental News
The hearing was regarding the pending petitions for a change in water rights by the California Department of Water Resources
Community News
City officials in Elk Grove seemingly recognize that the national trend toward no-kill shelters has led to an oversupply of pets awaiting permanent homes
Daily updates on news, events, and commentary for Elk Grove and Northern California
Industry experts say the decision to integrate Klarna reflects broader economic trends.
Mayor Singh-Allen hopes to make Elk Grove a creative arts center.
This was the second brewery operation at that location. It was previously occupied by Hungry Pecker Brewery.
Cherry Blossom festival coming
Opponents of Sites say the reservoir would cause enormous damage to already collapsing populations of Sacramento River Chinook salmon and Delta fish populations.
Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen, the current and preceding city council members have been supportive of the militarization of the Elk Grove Police Department.
The most powerful person in the world acts like a crying baby.
Gov. Gavin Newson also took a jab at the Trump administration with today's decision.
The most visible casualties of Elon Musk's actions over the last several months have been the share price of one of the companies he leads.
Recipes from Family Features and Culinary.net
Among public pensions, CalPERS is the nation's #1 funder of the fossil fuel industry
The defendants are in custody at the Sacramento County Jail awaiting trial in federal court.