As Pat Hume prepares to take office, is he destined to be a historical Ryan Short-like footnote?

Of the four major professional American sports, Baseball is undoubtedly the most statistics-driven. Mention certain numbers like 714 or 61, and even casual fans understand the reference.

There is a slew of statistics and names for baseball fans. Here is another statistic and name that might not be as familiar – 2,632 and Ryan Short.

Hardcore MLB fans may recognize 2,632 as the record number of consecutive games started by Baltimore Orioles Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr. As for Ryan Short, he has an interesting footnote in MLB as the player who replaced Ripken on the lineup card.

In the next few days, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will swear in its newest member for District 5, former Elk Grove City Council member Pat Hume. After winning the seat by a razor-thin margin, Hume will replace outgoing Supervisor Don Nottoli.

Although online history about former Sacramento County Board of Supervisors members is scant, Notolli’s 28-year tenure is the longest of any other member for at least the last 35 years. Over the last several decades, Nottoli has been the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors’ Cal Ripken Jr.

During these 28 years, Nottoli has attended thousands of meeting for the Board of Supervisors and other boards he served on to make him a Ripken-like ironman. Not included in this are the thousands of non-official meetings, constituent meetings, and neighborhood events.

It is in these shoes Hume will step. Hume comes to the Board of Supervisors after 16 years on the Elk Grove City Council, which makes him the longest-serving council member in the city’s 22-year history.

It is worth noting that the Elk Grove City Council is part-time, and the time obligation is infinitesimal compared to full-time supervisors, especially in the sprawling District 5. Furthermore, almost all Elk Grove City Council members have held full-time outside jobs while on the city council.

And here is the point as it relates to Hume – being as effective as Nottoli will take stamina, high energy, and a willingness to meet with constituents, particularly those embattled in some fashion.

As long-time Elk Grove City Council observers know, Hume does not possess these qualities. During city council meetings, Hume’s constituents have repeatedly complained he failed to respond to their inquiries, so will Hume suddenly be open to meeting with groups of often embattled constituents?

And there is Hume’s widespread reputation for laziness.

Along with making time for countless constituent meetings and dozens of annual rubber chicken dinners and luncheons as Nottoli did, can Hume establish a strong work ethic? Can Hume channel even a portion of Nottoli’s commitment and energy to public service and governance?

Time will tell if Hume can establish the strong work ethic needed to fill Nottoli’s shoes. If Hume doesn’t at least make an effort, he will fade away and be nothing but a Sacramento County historical footnote as Ryan Short was to Cal Ripken Jr.