2024 elections
EGUSD's 'Yes on N' receives more substantial construction-related donations
Although the Sacramento Taxpayers Assocation opposes the measure, they have not funded a counter-campaign.
2024 elections
Although the Sacramento Taxpayers Assocation opposes the measure, they have not funded a counter-campaign.
Politics & Government
The speakers included Elk Grove Planning Commissioner Juan Fernandez and Mr. Tony Stratton.
Self-serving actions by elected officials like Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen generate cynicism.
Politics & Government
Both city council members offered obtuse reasoning for the huge increase in salary
2024 elections
It is unlikely that Spease will be cheek-to-cheek in this year's political mailers with this former ally.
The push for more money is led by Councilman Darren Suen and it has most of the city council slobbering like dogs.
2024 elections
According to information prepared by the school district, if voters approve the bond, parcels will be assessed at $34 per $100,000 of value.
In any other situation, acceptance of cash from a death merchant or any other unacceptable behavior by an elected Democratic elected official would be harshly criticized from within the party.
Politics & Government
None of the mayor's allies have commented on this unusual cash donation.
Politics & Government
A policy influencer compelled Mayor Singh-Allen to block a supportive affordable housing project for disabled people in Old Town-Historic Downtown Elk Grove.
For all her talk about making Elk Grove a healthy, vibrant city, what could be more antithetical than taking money from tobacco pushers?
Politics & Government
"We do not have the ability to issue any more CUPs for bars, breweries, wineries or the like," planning manager Antonio Ablog told the city council.