Valley Water District approves $9.69 million additional funding for Delta Tunnel project planning
In a statement before Tuesday’s vote, Caleen Audrey Sisk, Chief of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, slammed the Delta Tunnel project
In a statement before Tuesday’s vote, Caleen Audrey Sisk, Chief of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, slammed the Delta Tunnel project
Environmental News
David Solnit has created a meme of the LA Fires renaming the fires with the names of the big oil companies that helped to create the dramatic climate change that world is seeing now.
Environmental News
On January 16 of last year, the Sacramento Superior Court ruled that DWR lacks the authority to issue revenue bonds to finance the embattled Delta Conveyance Project
Environmental News
The Delta Smelt is definitely not a “worthless fish.”
Environmental News
The lawsuit was filed at a time when Central Valley salmon and Delta fish populations are in their worst-ever crisis.
Environmental News
Governor Gavin Newsom also celebrated the biological opinion’s release, echoing his recent press events.
Environmental News
The vote follows the vote by the Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors on Dec. 11 to fund an additional $141.6 million for planning and design work for the Delta Tunnel
Environmental News
The company said it had failed to raise enough capital to continue the operation
Environmental News
The Delta Tunnel is a zombie project that keeps getting resurrected from the dead by California governors.
Environmental News
An alarmingly low number of Chinooks have come back to the Upper Sacramento River
Environmental News
The SoCalGas-operated underground facility, was the site of the largest methane blowout in U.S history
Environmental News
Sacramento County Supervisor Pat Hume Pat Hume, Chair of the Delta Counties Coalition (DCC), issued a statement on behalf of the five jurisdictions that would be most negatively affected.