Environmental News
New report reveals fossil fuel’s media influence as Big Oil sponsors dinners, awards for journalists
The report, coming out as the ongoing COP28 climate summit continues to generate controversy
Environmental News
The report, coming out as the ongoing COP28 climate summit continues to generate controversy
Environmental News
Environmental News
Environmental and fishing groups are petitioning for yet another Delta fish to be listed under the state and federal Endangered Species Acts as salmon, Delta smelt and other fish populations crash. On Nov. 29, San Francisco Baykeeper, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, the Bay Institute, and Restore the Delta petitioned the
Environmental News
We’re number one! The United States leads the list of the 10 countries with the most oil spills from 1903 to 2023, according to the results of a new study compiled in the U.K. The U.S., the biggest oil producer in the world, has clocked up 108
Current News
Northern California’s Trinity County, emerging victorious from a California Appeals Court ruling after a four-year battle against an attempted water grab by the politically powerful Westlands Water District, has asked Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to rescind the Trump-era water contract. In response, the Hoopa Valley Tribe in a press
Environmental News
A Conversation with Max Gomberg and Peter DrekMeier | Via ZOOM, Tuesday, November 28 AT NOON PST. REGISTER | In an online discussion with Tuolumne River Trust Policy Director Peter Drekmeier, former State Water Resources Control Board staffer Max Gomberg will discuss the policy missteps and public trust betrayals of the agency
Environmental News
Oakland, California—Yet another fish in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary is in deep trouble and an environmental advocacy organization intends to take legal action to prevent the species from becoming extinct. On October 11, San Francisco Baykeeper put the US Fish and Wildlife Service on notice that the group
Environmental News
Hornbrook, CA – As a journalist who has been covering the movement by the Klamath River Tribes, fishermen and conservationists to remove the dams on the Klamath River for over 20 years, it is very gratifying to see the progress made on the removal of the four PacifiCorp dams this year.
Current News
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives on October 26 passed H.R. 4394, the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, that terminates the environmental restoration provisions of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA) that made fish and wildlife a purpose of the Central Valley Project for the
Environmental News
Westlands Water District, the largest agricultural water district in the country, is asking the California Supreme Court to overrule four State Court decisions in its most recent effort to evade payment of at least $100 million in environmental restoration and other costs. These decisions refused to “rubber stamp a federal
Environmental News
Environmental News
In an announcement, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) said it is “still on track” to issue a Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Delta Conveyance Project — the Delta Tunnel – in “late 2023.” No exact date for the release of the EIR was mentioned. “The Final EIR