Campaign contributors or rural constituents – Who will prevail over Elk Grove City Councilmember Rod Brewer?

Big choice for freshman council member

The future of Elk Grove’s rural area has resurfaced as a community issue in recent weeks after a period of dormancy. The resurrection started during the most recent Elk Grove City Council.
During that meeting, several rural area residents, who have advocated for their neighborhood since the city’s incorporation 23 years ago, opposed a new housing development called Pleasent Grove Estates. That development seeks to build 14 new single-family dwellings on 32 acres.
Although the fate of that development will not be decided until later this month, Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and City Councilmember Darren Suen indicated their support. The only opposition to the project was City Councilmember Rob Brewer.  
As the District 2 council member, Brewer represents the city’s eastern rural area known as Sheldon, so his opposition was unsurprising. However, a rural area housing proposed project that runs contrary to the city’s stated commitment to sustaining the rural character will test whether Brewer stands with residents or an influential campaign contributor.
According to information released last week, developer Gayan “Guy” Kawani seeks to rezone 116 acres on the southeast corner of Waterman and Sheldon roads. Kawani aims to have the parcel rezoned to much smaller parcels similar to those found in subdivisions throughout the city.
The proposal sent to the city can be viewed below. The project would include 58 acres of so-called RD-7 lots, which are seven single-family houses per acre targeted to senior citizens.
The change would be a significant change to the city’s general plan and a substantial change to the Sheldon area. Opposition is already fomenting.
For Brewer, the proposal will be a challenge. While Brewer opposes the Pleasant Grove Estate project, this one will be different because one of the proponents, Kalwani, is a large campaign contributor.
Through one of his companies, Super Pallet Recycling, Kalwani gave Brewer $4,000 last year. In addition, Kalwani has for years contributed to former and current city council members through Super Pallet Recycling and another company, Sheldon Business Park.
Kalwani contributed to Councilmember Suen and Mayor Steve Ly, and other council members through the years.  
Given Brewer has accepted Kalwani’s cash and presumably has a relationship, his predecessor in District 2 did not have a harmonious relationship. As seen in the video below, former Elk Grove City Councilmember and current Sacramento County Supervisor Pat Hume clashed with Kalwani during a city council meeting.
Notwithstanding a reputation that precedes Kalwani, it will be noteworthy to watch Brewer’s reaction. Will the freshman council member, like so many other current and past mayors and city council members, kiss the ring of donors or do what they were elected for – represent constituents?