Last minute special closed meeting of Elk Grove City Council scheduled to discuss Oak Rose litigation

Last minute special closed meeting of Elk Grove City Council scheduled to discuss Oak Rose litigation

At 5:04 this afternoon, the Elk Grove City Clerk’s office announced a special closed-session city council meeting for tomorrow afternoon.

The meeting will start at 5 p.m. at Elk Grove City Hall. The city council will discuss the fair housing lawsuits the city is defending from the state of California and the Oak Rose supportive housing project over its July 2022 denial.

Before this special meeting, the city council held two previous closed sessions to discuss the litigation. In both instances, the city council took no reportable action.

Interestingly, the two items on tomorrow’s closed session meeting are also scheduled for a closed session on Wednesday at 5 p.m. before the regular meeting. If the city announces actions after tomorrow’s meeting, they could cancel the closed session on Wednesday.

While the session is closed, the city council must receive public comments before convening its closed meeting. At Wednesday’s regular meeting, the city council also scheduled a hearing on the Oak Rose supportive housing project, where the city staff recommended approval of the Old Town area development.

Opponents of the Oak Rose project are organizing a large turnout for the Wednesday meeting. With tomorrow’s closed session, the city council will probably hear several comments before going into the meeting.