Conservative leaning business group supports Prop. 1 bond measure, polling shows substantial voter support

Conservative leaning business group supports Prop. 1 bond measure, polling shows substantial voter support

PPIC poll shows strong support

A statewide measure that will appear on this March’s primary ballot has earned the support of a leading conservative business interest group.

Yesterday, the California Business Roundtable announced its support of Proposition 1. Among other items included in the proposition is a $6.38 billion bond measure to build 10,000 new community behavioral health beds and housing to provide care to Californians of all ages with severe mental health and substance use disorders.

California Business Roundtable president Rob Lapsley pointed to what he said was the proposition’s comprehensive policy approach to addressing the homelessness crisis.

“We strongly support the governor’s [Gavin Newsom] priorities for transparency and accountability that are built into this measure, ensuring that existing and future revenue dedicated to supporting homelessness solutions goes to its intended purpose and is not diverted to other programs,” Lapsley said.

While commending the initiative, Lapsley also addressed a common taxpayer question about homelessness expenditures. Specifically, Lapsley said that although massive expenditures have been directed toward homelessness, little has been accomplished.

“Between federal, state, county, and city resources, billions of dollars are currently being spent to address the homelessness crisis. Yet all statewide research reflects that Californians believe that the streets are only getting worse in many communities,” Lapsley said. “Increased accountability is essential, and we support the Governor in making this a priority to hold local governments to actual metrics along with the emphasis on a higher level of Spending transparency in this bond.”

If approved, according to Ballotpedia, the funds would used for the following:

  • $1.05 billion for permanent supportive housing for homeless veterans who have mental health or substance abuse disorders,
  • $922 million to fund permanent supportive housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have behavioral health needs; and
  • $4.393 billion for grants for behavioral health treatment and housing eligible under the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program.

According to a just released poll from by the non-partisan Public Policy Institute of California, the proposition is supported by 68 percent of likely voters.

Proposition 1 does not address housing affordability, which many studies say contributes to Calfofrnia’s homelessness situation. The same PPIC survey found that most Californians across partisan lines agree that “the state needs more policies geared toward making both homebuying and rental housing more accessible.”