Cosumnes Community Services District announces departure of general manager Joshua Green for Sky River casino

Cosumnes Community Services District announces departure of general manager Joshua Green for Sky River casino

No replacement announced

In an announcement issued this morning, Cosumnes Community Services District’s general manager has resigned to take a position with the Wilton Rancheria’s Sky River casino in Elk Grove.

The announcement from the CCSD said general manager Joshua Green has accepted the position of vice president of government and community affairs with the casino, which opened last August. Green will continue with the CCSD until mid-May and will assist in the transition of his replacement, which has not been announced.

“Joshua Green is a gifted leader and manager. His dedication to the district and the community is well-known and sincerely appreciated,” Gil Albiani, CCSD board president, said. “He has built lasting relationships with partner agencies, businesses, and community organizations.”

Green joined the district in 2017 as the district’s parks and recreation administrator. He was promoted to general manager in 2019.