As Elk Grove acquiesces on Oak Rose project and opponents organize, Councilmember Brewer faces political courage test

With last week’s announcement that Elk Grove will acquiesce to litigation demands made by the state over its violation of fair housing laws, opponents of a controversial supportive housing project are organizing a counter-offensive.

That last-gasp counter-offensive is organized to convince Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and the other four city council members to again deny the approval for the Oak Rose supporting housing project. Located in Old Town/Historic Downtown Elk Grove, the project is being reconsidered under threat of costly litigation brought by Calif. Attorney General Rob Bonta and Gov. Gavin Newsom for what they said is a violation of fair housing laws.

Even though planning their votes ahead of time is illegal under the Ralph M. Brown Act, it regularly happens with many legislative bodies, including the Elk Grove City Council.

After Elk Grove’s announcement that it would reconsider its rejection of the Oak Rose project – a tacit acknowledgment it would not prevail against the state-initiated litigation – opposition against it has coalesced. Some have opposed the 67-unit Elk Grove Boulevard at the recent city council meeting (see video below), while others have taken to social media.

This verbatim posting on a neighborhood-themed social media platform is typical of what is being said.

Community Alert !     OAK ROSE APARTMENTS PROJECT Please be advised, the City is throwing in the towel ! They sent out this update for the public to see. Efforts by the city to explore options for an alternative site with the Applicant have been unsuccessful. With litigation deadlines, dates and expenses on the horizon, staff will ask the Elk Grove City Council to reconsider the project during their meeting on September 27, 2023 . We need all Concerened Residents to attend this meeting , to send emails to the city and ask them not to give up on a better solution for this project.. They also are in the process of relocating the library project to a different location..There will be a special meeting on Monday ….. Please go online to the city web site and read the latest updates.  Please attend all and every meeting you can at the city hall….. Please send Emails ASAP mailto:


or mailto:


He is District 2 council person and is willing to help….

Of political significance is the call to contact Elk Grove District 2 City Councilmember Rod Brewer. While Brewer was not on the 2022 city council that unanimously denied the project, he supported the denial of the supportive housing project.

While it is unlikely the city council will once again deny the project given the state’s pressure, and they wouldn’t have made the announcement unless a majority of the city council secretly agreed to reverse itself, they could again kowtow to vocal residents and merchants who will appear at the September 27 city council meeting. The odds on this are long, but it is possible.

Likewise, it would not be surprising if the city council members approved the project with a split vote, either 4 -1 or even 3 -2. Even though planning their votes ahead of time is illegal under the Ralph M. Brown Act, it regularly happens with many legislative bodies, including the Elk Grove City Council.

The most likely city council members to deny approval are Singh-Allen and Brewer.

Even though Singh-Allen would face little consequence with voters city-wide, she is keenly aware she is on the ballot every two years. Given the paranoia of every politician, Singh-Allen could vote to reject even though she is unlikely to face substantial opposition in the 2024 election – Paranoia Strikes Deep!

Brewer made the denial of the District 2 project the cornerstone of his 2022 election campaign. While he has not spoken publicly about the project since taking office, Brewer would be hard-pressed to support approval.

Of course, Brewer could approve the Oak Rose project this time, but not before considerable hand-wringing and a lengthy rationalization saying a gun is held to the city’s head by two of the state’s top elected Democratic officials. That is not without political risk, however.

Denying the project will be popular with his conservative Trump-supporting Republican constituents at the tip of the opposition spear and probably help reelection in 2026.

However, if Brewer has aspirations beyond Elk Grove as a Democratic candidate, approval of the Oak Rose with rationalizations and hand-wringing is not the type of action that will advance his career.

Brewer’s vote and actions will be a test of his political courage. We’ll soon learn if he stands with his vocal MAGA-inspired project opponents or for those seeking to lift themselves out of homelessness.

Regardless, as the person posted on social media said,

He is District 2 council person and is willing to help….