Democratic Ashby supporters target Republican voters by highlighting her opponent Jones is endorsed by Ca Dems

Democratic Ashby supporters target Republican voters by highlighting her opponent Jones is endorsed by Ca Dems

One of the peculiarities of California’s top-two primary finishers system is that candidates of the same party may be the only candidates facing off in the general elections. For Elk Grove voters, that is what has happened in the California District 10 Assembly and California District 8 State senate races.

In both races, all four candidates are Democrats. That leaves a scramble for independent voters and even Republican voters.

Supporters of Democratic State Senate District 8 Sacramento City Councilmember Angelique Ashby are targeting Republican voters in a unique manner. Not only are they deploying talking points familiar to Republican voters, but they also highlight that her opponent, former Democratic Assemblymember and Insurance Commissioner, has received the California Democratic Party endorsement.

This mailer was sent to independent and Republican-registered voters in Elk Grove’s City Council District 3. Democratic registered voters in District 3 have not received this piece.

The independent expenditure group Fighting For Our Future Committee funded the mailer. Funding is from the California Association of Realtors, California Building Industry Association, and California New Car Dealers Association, all business-oriented and conservative-leaning groups.

While the Assembly race had one Republican who did not advance to the general elections, there were three Democratic candidates and no Republicans in the District 8 State Senate race. The third candidate in the State Senate race, Rafa Garcia, who earned 13 percent of the vote, endorsed Jones.

In the District 10 Assembly race, there was one Republican, Eric Rigard, who came in third place with about 25 percent of the vote. However, shortly after the primary election, Rigard died without announcing any endorsement, so those votes are up for grabs.