Elk Grove City Council agenda, August 28

The Wednesday meeting starts at 6 p.m. Among other things on the agenda is a pay raise for Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and her your city councilmen.

Elk Grove City Council agenda, August 28

Wednesday, August 28, 2024
6:00 P.M.
Elk Grove City Hall – City Council Chambers
8400 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, CA 95758

The Elk Grove City Council welcomes, appreciates, and encourages participation in the City Council Meeting. The City Council requests that you limit your presentation to three (3) minutes per person so that all present will have time to participate. The City Council reserves the right to reasonably limit the total time for public comment on any particular noticed agenda item as it may deem necessary.

If you wish to address the Council during the meeting, please complete a Speaker Card and give it to the Assistant City Clerk prior to consideration of the agenda item.

Pursuant to Government Code 54957.5, a writing that is a public record relating to an agenda item for open session of a regular meeting distributed to a majority of the City Council less than 72 hours prior to the meeting will be posted on the City’s website, and physical copies of any such materials will be available for public inspection at the Office of the City Clerk, 8401 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, CA during regular business hours.


1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Land Acknowledgement
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 Moment of Silence





Members of the audience may comment on any item not on the agenda that is of interest to the public and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. Each person will be allowed three minutes, or less if a large number of requests are received on a particular subject. The City Council cannot take action on nonagendized items raised under “Public Comment” until the matter has been specifically included on an agenda as an action item. Members of the public desiring a response to a specific question are encouraged to contact any member of the Council or the City Manager at any time. Those audience members who wish to address a specific agendized item are encouraged to offer their public comments during consideration of that item.


Report by the City Manager


The Consent Calendar items are those expectedto be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the City Council after providing an opportunity for public comment.


7.1 Approve City Council meeting minutes of the August 14, 2024 special and regular meetings [p. 1-11] (CITY CLERK)

7.2 Receive report on City Manager approved purchases and contracts authorized by Elk Grove Municipal Code Chapter 3.42 Contracts and Purchasing, and projects awarded under the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act, filed through August 20, 2024 [p. 1-3] (CITY CLERK)

7.3 Receive report on Requests for Proposals, Qualifications, and Bids [p. 1] (CITY CLERK)

7.4 Receive the Monthly Disbursement Summary and AP Check Register Listing for July 1, 2024, through July 31, 2024, showing Automatic Clearing House Nos. 22512 through 22606; General Warrant Nos.143446 through 143806; and Electronic Fund Transfer Nos. 90072851 through 90072874 [p. 1-55] (FINANCE)

7.5 Receive Treasurer’s Report and Post Employment Benefits Trust and Post Employment Benefits Trust Pension Report for the Quarter ending June 30, 2024 [p. 1-10] (FINANCE)

7.6 Adopt Ordinance No. 10-2024 levying and apportioning the special tax in territory annexed to Community Facilities District No. 2006-1 (Maintenance Services) (Annexation No. 97) and amending Elk Grove Municipal Code Section 3.19.010. (Second Reading) [p. 1-3] (FINANCE)

7.7 Adopt resolutions declaring intention for the Jain Estates Map and 8621 Heritage Hill Drive Map Projects to: 1) annex territory to Community Facilities District No. 2003-2 (Police Services) and to levy a special tax to pay for police services (Annexation No. 75); 2) annex territory to Community Facilities District No. 2006-1 (Maintenance Services) and to levy a special tax to pay for maintenance services (Annexation No. 99); 3) annex territory to Street Maintenance District No. 1, Zone 3-AQ (Eastern Area) and levy a special tax to pay for street maintenance (Annexation No. 54) pursuant to the Benefit Assessment Act of 1982; and 4) annex territory to Storm Water Drainage Fee Zone 2 (Annexation No. 69) pursuant to the Benefit Assessment Act of 1982 [p. 1-192] (FINANCE)

7.8 Adopt resolution dispensing with the formal bidding procedure pursuant to Elk Grove Municipal Code Chapter 3.42.180(B)(3) and authorizing the City Manager to execute the third amendment to the contract with PTG, Inc. for pet food in the amount of $250,000, or other such amount as may be directed by the City Council, for a total contract amount not to exceed $445,000 through June 30, 2027 [p. 1-5] (ANIMAL SERVICES)

7.9 Adopt resolution adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Laguna Creek Trail and Bruceville Road Sidewalk Project (WTL019) and amending the FY 2024-25 Budget and 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program for the Project [p. 1-463] (PUBLIC WORKS)

7.10 Adopt resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute master services contracts with Bennett Engineering Services; R.E.Y. Engineers; Capital Program Management, Inc.; and Kitchell, for On-Call Project Management Services, each in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000, or other such amount as may be directed by the City Council [p. 1-96] (PUBLIC WORKS)

7.11 Adopt resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute ten master services contracts with Bennett Engineering Services; R.E.Y. Engineers; Jacobs Engineering Group; TranSystems; Dokken Engineering; Kimley-Horn and Associates; Psomas; NJA Architecture; Lionakis; and CSG Consultants, for On-Call Architectural/Engineering Services for locally funded capital projects with a total compensation amount for all ten contracts over a five-year term not to exceed $22,000,000, or other such amount as may be directed by the City Council [p. 1-238] (PUBLIC WORKS)

7.12 Adopt resolution dispensing with the formal bidding procedure pursuant to Elk Grove Municipal Code Section 3.42.180(B)(3) and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with R.C.A. Investments, Inc., a California corporation dba Long Beach BMW Motorcycles, for the purchase of four replacement police motorcycles in an amount not-to-exceed $182,000, or other such amount as may be directed by the City Council [p. 1-68] (FACILITIES AND FLEET)

7.13 Adopt resolution 1) amending the FY 2024-25 Budget in Police Department Capital Facilities Fee (Fund 312); and 2) dispensing with the formal bidding procedure pursuant to Elk Grove Municipal Code Section 3.42.180(B)(3) and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Downtown Ford Sales, a California corporation, dba Downtown Ford Sacramento, for the purchase of three Ford F-150 Lightning pickups, and one additional Ford F-250 pickup in an amount not to exceed $223,000, or other such amount as may be directed by the City Council [p. 1-132] (FACILITIES AND FLEET)

7.14 Adopt resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a grant agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the Climate Adaptation Planning Grant for the Heat Resilient Transportation System Implementation Plan and amend the Strategic Planning and Innovation Department’s Budget equal to the amount received and expended each fiscal year up to the amount of $441,000 (CEQA Exempt) [p. 1-11] (STRATEGIC PLANNING)

7.15 Adopt resolution dispensing with the formal request for proposal procedure pursuant to Elk Grove Municipal Code Section 3.42.140(B)(3) and authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement for Services for Independent Contractor with the Public Health Institute for the provision of services through the CivicSpark program, in an amount not to exceed $67,000, or other such amount as may be directed by the City Council [p. 1-23] (STRATEGIC PLANNING)

7.16 Adopt resolution adopting revised Program Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures for the Brewery, Restaurant, and Winery (BReW) Incentive Program [p. 1-9] (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)

7.17 Adopt resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract amendment with Acquia, Inc. for Website Hosting and Maintenance Services in an amount not to exceed $163,832.26, or other such amount as may be directed by the City Council [p. 1-59] (PUBLIC AFFAIRS)


8.1 SUBJECT: A Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance amending Elk Grove Municipal Code Chapters 23.56 and 23.100 regarding Residential Lighting Standards (CEQA Exempt) [p. 1-13]

STAFF REPORT: Kyra Killingsworth, Senior Planner


Conduct a public hearing to receive information from staff and comments from the public, and then introduce and waive the full reading, by substitution of title only, an ordinance amending Elk Grove Municipal Code Chapters 23.56 and 23.100 regarding Residential Lighting Standards.


9.1 SUBJECT: Receive information and consider an Ordinance amending Elk Grove Municipal Code Chapter 9.38 related to unlawful camping (CEQA Exempt) [p. 1-15]
STAFF REPORT: Robert Davis, Police Chief


Receive information from staff and introduce and waive the full reading, by substitution of title only, an ordinance amending Elk Grove Municipal Code Chapter 9.38 related to unlawful camping.

9.2 SUBJECT: Receive a presentation on illegal fireworks activity and enforcement efforts [p. 1-4]

STAFF REPORT: Jose Mendez, Code Enforcement Manager, Joshua Magdaleno, Lieutenant


Receive a presentation on illegal fireworks activity and enforcement efforts for 2024.

9.3 SUBJECT: Receive Information on the 2024 Climate Compass and provide direction as needed [p. 1-5]

STAFF REPORT: Carrie Whitlock, Strategic Planning and Innovation Program Manager


Receive information regarding the Climate Compass, the 2024 update to the City’s Climate Action Plan, and provide direction on potential programs as needed.

9.4 SUBJECT: Consider an increase to City Councilmember salaries

STAFF REPORT: Jonathan Hobbs, City Attorney, Jason Behrmann, City Manager


Discuss and consider whether to increase Councilmember salaries, based on recent state legislation.


1. Reports on Regional Boards, Commissions, Committees
2. Travel/Training Expenditures Disclosure (in accordance with Resolution No. 2009-212 and Government Code § 53232.3(d))