Elk Grove expanding workforce training contract with Cyber Proud to $1.1 million

Elk Grove expanding workforce training contract with Cyber Proud to $1.1 million
Photo by Christina Morillo.

A workforce agreement the City of Elk Grove has with an organization named Cyber Proud is expanding.

The workforce training program was funded with $2 million from the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Earlier this year, Elk Grove allocated $353,158 “to design and implement a training program for 40 Elk Grove residents in the field of information technology focused on cyber security and infrastructure support tracks.”

That program has enrolled 37 students, and there is a strong demand for enrollment positions. To accommodate the demand, funding for the training will be expanded to an amount not to exceed $1,110,508, which will expand enrollment to 100, and will now include a software development track.

While technology training has strong demand, another ARPA program funded has been less popular.

The manufacturing technician program has filled only half of its 10 training positions. The training vendor of this program, Charles A. Jones Career and Education Center, has promised to “enhance its marketing efforts in the coming months to increase program enrollment.”

The Elk Grove City Council will formalize the expansion during their Wednesday, September 13 meeting.