Will the Elk Grove Mayor, City Council exploit a new law and give themselves a pay raise in 2024?

Will the Elk Grove Mayor, City Council exploit a new law and give themselves a pay raise in 2024?

Of the slew of new laws that became effective in 2024 is Senate Bill 329. Signed into law last June by Gov. Gavin Newsom, the legislation increased the pay ceiling for city council members in California general law cities.

Before its enactment, the city council could only raise their salary by five percent per year from the previous adjustment date. The mayor and city council have been paid $800 a month, plus expenses for several years.

Sponsored by California State Senator Bill Dodd (D – Napa), the legislation is meant to increase participation in the electoral process. With relatively low pay, many people who are otherwise qualified to hold elected office are discouraged from running.

“No one runs for city council to get rich,” Dodd said after the Newsom signed the law. “But the low levels of pay make it much harder to balance careers and personal obligations with the calling to serve their community.”

The new pay schedule is now based on population. Below is the new population-pay schedule.

(A) In cities up to and including 35,000 in population, up to and including nine hundred fifty dollars ($950) per month.

(B) In cities over 35,000 up to and including 50,000 in population, up to and including one thousand two hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,275) per month.

(C) In cities over 50,000 up to and including 75,000 in population, up to and including one thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600) per month.

(D) In cities over 75,000 up to and including 150,000 in population, up to and including one thousand nine hundred dollars ($1,900) per month.

(E) In cities over 150,000 up to and including 250,000 in population, up to and including two thousand five hundred fifty dollars ($2,550) per month.

(F) In cities over 250,000 population, up to and including three thousand two hundred dollars ($3,200) per month.

With a current population of approximately 180,000, Elk Grove City Council members can earn up to $2,550 monthly if they give themselves a pay raise.

In 2016, then Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis, who had already announced he would not seek reelection, suggested the mayor become a full-time position with the same pay as an Elk Grove Police lieutenant, which at that time was up to $145,359. The city council did not approve the proposal, which they could have placed on the November 2016 ballot.

While the city council salary has remained unchanged, given election year dynamics, it is unlikely the city council approving their pay increase would be politically popular with voters.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska via Pexels