Elk Grove Mayor Singh-Allen kicks off reelection campaign with fouled-up mailer

Elk Grove Mayor Singh-Allen kicks off reelection campaign with fouled-up mailer

Labor Day is the traditional launch of American political campaigns. With this end of summer and beginning of autumn benchmark, Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen distributed her first mailer of the 2022 campaign season at the start of the three-day weekend.

Her first piece is an enveloped letter to registered voters in Elk Grove. The letter contains typical campaign talking points.

Interestingly, in the lower right corner, Singh-Allen included a post-it note-like endorsement for Elk Grove City Council District 2 and District 4 candidates Rod Brewer and Sergio Robles. It is impossible to determine, but if this post-it was a last-minute inclusion, it might have contributed to a glaring proofreading error.

As you can see in the image, the last paragraph is riddled with what, to be charitable, can be called proofreading errors.

As you can see, maybe placing the post-it note realigned the text and dropped some words from the copy. Regardless, this is not a simple typo.

The proofreading flub is a significant dereliction by whoever was assigned the task. Ultimately, the buck has to stop with the mayor.

With the hundreds of thousands of dollars Singh-Allen has secured, you would think her professional campaign staff would have caught this glaring omission. Unfortunately, for a well-funded campaign, this is just plain sloppy.

It makes you wonder – if she can’t manage her campaign staff to catch an obvious error, how can she possibly provide oversight for Elk Grove taxpayers?