Elk Grove News Minute – History will judge them as Elk Grove’s 21st-century segregationists

Elk Grove News Minute – History will judge them as Elk Grove’s 21st-century segregationists
History will be unkind to Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen, Vice Mayor Kevin Spease, and Councilmembers Darren Suen, Rod Brewer, and Sergio Robles for their discriminatory and reactionary stance on fair housing.

Reincarnation of George Wallace?

Across social media and comments on sites like Elk Grove News, Attorney General Rob Bonta and the state of California have been attacked for their intervention in Elk Grove’s denial of the Oak Rose supportive housing project.

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Read more about the practices of these four governors (clockwise, from upper left, Lester Maddux, George Wallace, Ross Barnett, and Orval Faubus) and other notorious segregationists here.