Sergio Has Left The Building! Short Version Elk Grove’s unengaged, uninterested city council member

Sergio Has Left The Building! Short Version Elk Grove’s unengaged, uninterested city council member

Sergio Robles has been on the Elk Grove City Council for less than one year. In that short time, Mr. Robles has established a qualifiable low of any city council member in the city’s 23-year-plus history.

With only 10 months under his belt, Robles has shown a notable lack of interest and engagement in governance. As you can see from the video link below, Robles was unprepared during a city council meeting not long after he took office.

Worse than being unprepared and uninterested in representing constituents, he has openly displayed boorish, fratboy-like behavior. Robles regularly and proudly displayed videos and images on social media in various stages of intoxication.

After a short city council meeting (about 90 minutes), Serg inexplicably left announced (video above). Even Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen was perplexed by his departure.

Read more about this story here.