Feline advocates criticize Elk Grove for frivolous junkets, discretionary purchases while claiming no funding for additional animal services

Demand the city hires another veterinarian

As they have during the last two Elk Grove City Council meetings, feline advocates continue pressing Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and her four councilmen to increase funding for animal services. The comments have been made during public comment, most recently during the Wednesday, May 24, city council meeting.

The advocates are pushing to include hiring a new veterinarian in the fiscal year 2024 budget, which will take effect on July 1. The additional veterinarian is needed to control what they claim is an out-of-control feral cat population in Elk Grove, which they say has not been adequately addressed.

Comments from Katherine Medoza pointed out some of the curious expenditures made with taxpayers’ money, including $2,900 for LED sunglasses and over $24,000 for airline tickets for Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen’s entourage on a recent visit to Washington, D.C.

“You guys took a trip to D.C., which costs twenty-four thousand, seven hundred fifty-five dollars and fifty-four cents,” she said. “That is only a fraction of what I see being in the spending.”

During her comments, Kimberly Mendoza also emphasized more discretionary spending to highlight her arguments there is money available for more animal services. Mendoza also questioned a pet project of Singh-Allen, the multi-hundred million dollar relocation of the Sacramento Zoo to Elk Grove in the context of funding for animal services.

“How are we considering bringing exotic animals to Elk Grove when we don’t allegedly have the funding for a second vet to care for animals already in Elk Grove,” she asked.

The entire commentary from Katherine Mendoza, Kimberly Mendoza, and portions from Stacey P. can be seen in the video.