Guerra outpacing Nguyen in recent fundraising efforts in California Assembly District 10 race, earns Bee endorsement

Guerra outpacing Nguyen in recent fundraising efforts in California Assembly District 10 race, earns Bee endorsement
Eric Guerra (left) and Stephanie Nguyen.

With their fall campaigns’ in full swing, Sacramento City Councilmember Eric Guerra is outpacing Elk Grove City Councilmember Stephanie Nguyen in the all-important fundraising contests. The two Democratic city council members are competing for the open District 10 California Assembly seat.

According to filings with the California California Secretary of State, since September 1, Guerra has received $26 850. Below are the contributions, not including $2,000 in individuals’ donations.

  • American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees- $9,700
  • AT&T Services, Inc. – $1,500
  • California Almond Industry PAC – $2,450
  • California Credit Union League – $1,500
  • Faculty for our University’s Future, California Faculty Association – $9,700

Nguyen, who finished first in the June primary, has received $8,400 in donations since September 1. Except for the two contributors below, $5,900 were from two individual contributions.

  • Andy Li for Community College Board 2022 – $1,000
  • AT&T Services, Inc – $1,500

This data is from Form 497 filings. Until Form 460’s are recorded, expenses for the campaigns are unknown.

Separate from Guerra and Nguyen’s campaigns, as they did in the primary race, independent expenditures committees are expected to be active in the final phase of the District 10 contest. One informed source claims the California Association of Realtors will continue its campaign against Nguyen in the coming weeks.

In other campaign developments, yesterday Guerra received the endorsement of the Sacramento Bee. In their announcement, the Bee acknowledged the strengths of both candidates but said Guerra “boasts a deep understanding of the issues and the policy skills to address them. He’s been effective in accomplishing his goals and serving his constituents on the Sacramento City Council, and he is well-positioned to do the same in the Assembly.”

Both candidates will have launch rallies tomorrow morning at their campaign offices. Details on Guerra’s event can be viewed here, and Nguyen’s here.