Guerra slamming Nguyen on Big Oil support in heated Assembly District 10 race

Although candidates have no control over how money is spent on their behalf, their opponents are certain to highlight it to voters. Such is the case for Elk Grove voters who are seeing several ads supporting State Senate District 8 Candidate Angelique Ashby and Assembly District 10 candidate Stephanie Nguyen.

Ashby and Nguyen are receiving substantial commercial TV advertising support from independent expenditure committees funded by oil companies or, as their critics call them, Big Oil. With gas prices at or near all-time highs, especially in California, their opponents are more than happy to point this out.

While voters have witnessed this during the primary race and continuing to the general election between Ashby and fellow Democrat Dave Jones, in the last week, Nguyen’s opponent has latched on to the Big Oil issue.

Earlier this week, Guerra’s campaign distributed a press release critical of Nguyen’s Big Oil support. The statement said, “The Big Oil Lobby campaign committee has reported throwing over one million dollars into TV ads in the Assembly District 10 race supporting Stephanie Nguyen under the deceptive committee name “Coalition to Restore California’s Middle Class, Including Energy Companies who Produce Gas, Oil, Jobs and Pay Taxes.” (see image from one of the TV ads supporting Nguyen below).

A statement attributed to Guerra said, “Big Oil wants to elect Legislators who will protect their right to gouge us on gas prices. That’s why we’re paying $7 a gallon –  $2.50 a gallon more than the national average. Big Oil is charging us more at the pump — and using our money to try to buy the AD-10 seat by electing my opponent.”

Unlike Ashby who has distanced her campaign from the oil company-funded ads and mailers, Nguyen has not spoken on the advertising purchased on her behalf. Jones has pushed back on Ashby by emphasizing environmental issues like air quality and climate change.

In addition to campaign statements, Guerra has taken to social media, including Twitter, to criticize the role oil companies are playing in the race.

Guerra has also received TV advertising support from independent expenditure committees funded by the California Association of Realtors. In those commercials, Guerra’s endorsement by Planned Parenthood is highlighted.

Guerra’s campaign also established a website called, which has criticized her support of Republicans Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones and Elk Grove City Councilmember and Sacramento County Board of Supervisor District 5 candidate Pat Hume.