Guerra’s ‘Different Opinions, Common Ground’ deftly addresses hot-button social issue

Guerra’s ‘Different Opinions, Common Ground’ deftly addresses hot-button social issue

In a sign of the importance of reproductive rights issues in this election, even one that has two pro-choice Democratic candidates, Eric Guerra’s first mailer of the general election campaign season deftly addresses the issue.

Guerra, running against fellow Democrat Stephanie Nguyen for the California Assembly District 10, distributed a mailer titled “Different Opinions, Common Ground.” The cover shows Guerra with his mother.

On the inside of the four-panel piece, Guerra notes his steadfast support of abortion access, something he does not share with his mother. Guerra stresses they agree on other issues like wage equality and civilly disagree on that.

After making that point, Guerra reminds voters Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice CA endorse him. The Planned Parenthood pink colors also subtly reinforce Guerra’s message.

Guerra is deftly appealing to many voters who, like his mother, may not support abortion but are supportive of other issues. Basically, he is saying we can disagree but still find common ground.