Hume outpacing Moreno 4 to 1 in September fundraising in Board of Supervisors race

Since September 1, Pat Hume has outpaced Jaclyn Moreno by a four-to-one rate in the contest for the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors District 5 seat. Republican Hume is an Elk Grove City Councilmember, and Democrat Moreno is a Cosumnes Community Services District Director.

In September, Moreno raised $6,200. Moreno received a $1,300 donation from Sacramento City Councilmember and California Assembly District 10 candidate Eric Guerra. Another elected official who donated appearing on this November’s ballot is SMUD Director Rosanna Huber, who contributed $1,000.

During the same time period, Hume received 17 donations totaling $26,800. Of those, 10 came from individuals, and the rest were from business interests, including the following:

  • Five Star Bank – $2,700
  • Committee for Home Ownership, Northstate BIA – $2,700
  • Sacramento Probation Officers Assoc. – $2,700
  • Kay Dix – $1,000
  • Helix Electric – $2,700
  • C5 Consulting – $1,300
  • JR Hanson Consulting – $1,300