‘I bruise you, You bruise me’ – Ashby, Jones get after each other in late-stage primary mailer in race for State Senate

It’s not often that a campaign mailer can invoke thoughts of a song, but there was a pair that arrived this weekend that couldn’t help but make us think of a song written by the incomparable Jimmy Webb. Art Garfunkel gorgeously performed that song in his post-Simon Garfunkel career.

That song is All I Know. The first three lines are:

I bruise you, You bruise me
We both bruise too easily
Too easily to let it show

Ironically, the fourth line professes love for the other party. Written in the 1970s, the couple in Webb’s lyrics would probably be referred for counseling for co-dependency in our world, even though we’re pretty sure his bruising was metaphorical.

Regardless, Ashby and Jones are involved in an I Bruise You, You Bruise Me primary election competition campaign for the 8th District California State Senate. With only one other candidate, Rafa Garci, who lacks financial resources, it is almost certain Ashby and Jones will continue their fight to the November election.

Although both are Democrats, they are from the polar ends of the party. While they agree on reproductive rights and gun control reform, Ashby is pro-business while Jones is pro-environment.

Business is business, environment is environment, and never the twain shall meet!

Their latest mailer reflects this. The Ashby campaign’s message was simply that Jones is a liar. The independent mailer sent on behalf of Jones portrays Ashby as a NASCAR driver festooned politician with logos of the corporations whose interests she serves.

With eight days until voting closes and less than 10-percent of ballots having been returned, it is a sure both campaigns will be fighting for every vote to have an all-important first-place finish, especially as it relates to fundraising for the November election. In the meantime, expect more I bruise you, You bruise me campaigning for Ashby and Jones.

Listen to Jimmy Webb’s dark All I Know sung beautifully by Art Garfunkel here.