In off-year campaign cycle Elk Grove Council members Spease, Suen slow fundraising

With their expected reelection bid more than two years away, Elk Grove City Councilmembers Darren Suen and Kevin Spease slowed their fundraising activities last year, according to their financial disclosures filed last week, with the Elk Grove city clerk.

Suen, who is serving as vice mayor this year and represents District 1, raised $10,800 for the six months ending December 31. The donations came from PG & E, $1,000; Chrysanthy Demos Investments, $4,900, and Kelly Ventures, LLC. For 2021, Suen received $20,105 and ended the year with $81,400. The District seat will be on the 2024 ballot.First-term City Councilmember Kevin Spease, elected in 2020, received a $25 contribution and added $30,000 to his campaign account with a personal loan. Spease ended the year with $1,487.