In perhaps the most creative mailer of the primary season, Dave Jones deploys a storybook while jabbing opponent Angelique Ashby

In perhaps the most creative mailer of the primary season, Dave Jones deploys a storybook while jabbing opponent Angelique Ashby

In what could be the most creative advertisements for Elk Grove and Sacramento voters this primary season, State Senate candidate Dave Jones has sent a mailer that can be best compared to a children’s picture storybook.

The eight-page booklet was received by Democratic voters in the 8th State Senate District where Jones is running against two Democratic candidates, Sacramento City Council Member Angelique Ashby and labor organizer Rafa Garcia. Jones and Ashby are considered the most likely to advance from the primary to the November general election.

The chronological story traces Jones’ education and the elected offices he has held, including on the Sacramento City Council, the California Assembly, and California’s Insurance Commissioner. It also features his recent environmental advocacy work.

Jones highlights his environmental work on the back page while taking a jab at Ashby, viewed as a business-friendly candidate. The advertisement concludes by saying, “Big Oil and its allies have already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to attack Dave and help his opponent, Angelique Ashby.”

Jones has been the subject of a multi-platform attack by the independent group Californians for Jobs and a Strong Economy. In the video attacking Jones, he is unflatteringly portrayed as a bobblehead.

In his counteroffensive, Jones has moved to minimize the portrayal on almost every mailer and redirect the conversation by saying Ashby is beholden to big oil. Aside from benefitting from the attack ads directed at Jones, Ashby has also received direct donations from the committee.

Ashby has not mentioned either of her opponents in her mailers. Instead, she emphasizes endorsement from people like former Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis.

Given the price of gasoline and the increased profits reaped by the energy industry, being portrayed as a big oil pawn could become a liability for Ashby.

See all eight panels from the storybook mailer in the video below.