Infamous Sacramento attorney who filed thousands of ADA lawsuits sentenced for filing false tax returns

A Sacramento-based attorney who filed thousands of American with Disabilities Act lawsuits was sentence for not properly reporting income.

Scott Norris Johnson was yesterday at US. District Court to 18 months home detention as part of a 30-month term of probation and ordered to pay $250,000 in restitution and a $50,000 fine. Johnson filed false tax returns on which he underreported the income he earned from many of those lawsuits.

As part of the sentencing agreement, Johnson may not reapply for reinstatement to the California Bar, and that during the period of home detention he may not leave home for the purpose of seeking violations of the ADA or Unruh Act in order to file suits in federal or state courts.

Johnson, who is a quadriplegic, pleaded guilty last November and gained notoriety for the lawsuits he filed against businesses. Many of the small business owners targeted by Johnson complained they were force out of business because of the lawsuits.