Voices of Elk Grove – Mayor, City Council questioned if they can be trusted to build $400 million zoo

Voices of Elk Grove – Mayor, City Council questioned if they can be trusted to build $400 million zoo

In the next several months, the city of Elk Grove will start revealing details of its proposed $400 million relocation of the Sacramento Zoo to Elk Grove. One of the most pressing and hidden details of the project is how will it be financed, and if citizens will have a substantial voice in the process.

During the Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Elk Grove City Council meeting, one person made an interesting inquiry. That resident, Steve Lee, asked Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and her four city councilmen how can they be reasonably trusted to manage such a colossal undertaking given the city’s dismal track record on smaller projects.

In the lead up questioning the zoo project, Mr. Lee highlighted Mayor Singh-Allen’s and her city council’s mismanagement of several projects, not the least of which is the recent $9.1 million Oak Rose lawsuit settlement.