Motorists trapped by UP train for 10+ minutes – Where’s BSA’s 5-Point Traffic Plan? Well, we’re waiting!

Motorists trapped by UP train for 10+ minutes – Where’s BSA’s 5-Point Traffic Plan? Well, we’re waiting!

If there is one profession in the world, almost as old as the world’s oldest, it has to be politicians making outrageous campaign promises they cannot keep. That came to mind this morning during a traffic snarl.

We were reminded of then-candidate and now Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie-Singh Allen’s 2020 campaign promise to solve traffic congestion. Singh-Allen presented a five-point plan that would miraculously solve the city’s growing traffic.

At about 10:45 this morning, motorists on Elk Grove-Florin and Bond roads in “old” Elk Grove were trapped by a stopped Union Pacific train.

According to one motorist who was directly behind the railroad crossing on southbound Elk Grove-Florin Road just north of West Camden Drive, the train was moving along when it suddenly stopped for at least 10 minutes.

Fortunately, there were no emergency vehicles trapped.

Those southbound Elk Grove-Florin Road motorists were lucky to have a turning lane where they could flee. We can only imagine the snarl on Bond Road.

We can’t say why the train stopped. Perhaps it was track traffic, or there was an accident.

Regardless, the fact that a city of Elk Grove’s size has so many railroad crossings on high traffic corridors shows the city’s “old’ east side has been and will continue to be neglected. “Old” Elk Grove will continue to be another Central Valley hick town no better than Manteca, whose traffic is dictated by railroad crossings.

The city is unlikely ever to build at least four more under or overpasses to solve this problem which dramatically contributes to traffic in “Old” Elk Grove.

As for the mayor’s five-point traffic congestion relief plan, it is nothing but a line of bullshit that helped her win office, and enough people bought into the lie. We can’t imagine Singh-Allen even believing her plan is realistic – she’s too intelligent to buy her own bullshit.