New operator for Slow and Low from Oakland comes with baggage of its own
While Horn Barbeque comes to Elk Grove with a respectable culinary reputation, they are not controversy-free
No word from the city about the taxpayer-guaranteed $500,000 loan to Slow and Low
The last several days have been a whirlwind of activity for Old Town Elk Grove's hyped Slow and Low barbeque restaurant.
Following the announcement by David Hargis, owner of Slow and Low, that the establishment would close on December 31 for retooling, he closed another of his restaurants. Hargis's Beast + Bounty permanently closed effective yesterday.
According to an August report by the Sacramento Business Journal, Hargis was in default on loans. The reason given for Beast + Bounty's closure included the inability to renegotiate their lease.
As for Slow and Low, renowned Oakland-based Horn Barbeque will take over operations of Slow and Low starting in February. In a Sacramento Bee story, no details were reported regarding the financial aspects of the operating arrangement.
While Horn Barbeque comes to Elk Grove with a respectable culinary reputation, they are not controversy-free. An investigative report from the San Francisco Chronicle highlights many unsavory allegations about the operator of Horn Barbeque, including wage theft.
A summary of the Chronicle's story from also highlighted the allegations. A PDF version of the San Franciso Chronicle story is posted below if the link is inaccessible.
On Monday, Elk Grove News emailed questions to Elk Grove city manager Jason Behrmann, economic development director Darrell Doan, and the entire city council regarding Slow and Low's situation. The city of Elk Grove provided a $500,000 loan guarantee to Mr. Hargis.
One question was, what are the implications of the loan guarantee if a new operator takes control of the restaurant. As of this morning, there has been no response from the city or elected officials.