Nguyen and Guerra begin election season push in campaigns for California Assembly District 10 race

Nguyen and Guerra begin election season push in campaigns for California Assembly District 10 race
Eric Guerra (left) and Stephanie Nguyen (right, with a volunteer) held canvassing events today in California Assembly District 10. |

On Saturday, September 10, Eric Guerra and Stephanie started their fall campaigns for the California Assembly District 10 seat in one of the most competitive and closely watched races in the Sacramento region. The two Democratic candidates are fighting for the newly drawn district that incorporated much of Assembly District 9, which Sacramento County Sheriff-elect Jim Cooper currently holds.

Both candidates held their kickoffs and volunteer gatherings at 10 a.m. at their Sacramento campaign offices. Nguyen’s office is in the Pocket neighborhood, while Guerra’s is in Valley Hi.

Speaking to her volunteers and supporters, Nguyen noted that she came in first place during the June primary and exceeded expectations.

“We were outspent three-to-one, and they came after us with everything, everything,” Nguyen said.

Discussing the coming campaign, Nguyen predicted it would be a fierce political battle.

“They’re are going to come after us with everything that they can think of, even lies, things that are not even true at all,” she said.

Nguyen and Guerra’s entire commentaries can be viewed below.

Reached after his kickoff rally, Guerra noted his volunteer group’s diversity, which he said is reflected in his campaign’s endorsements. Some of the endorsements are from Nor Cal Carpenters and the Faculty Association of the California Community Colleges.

“The college professors and construction trades were all here saying. ‘Eric is the one who is going to champion for careers, and I am excited to be part of it,” he said.

Both candidates had volunteers canvassing neighborhoods throughout the district.