Nguyen narrows campaign funding gap in competitive 10th District Assembly race

With three weeks until ballots start appearing in California voters’ mailboxes, California Assembly candidate Stephanie Nguyen has narrowed the funding gap with another top-tier candidate in the primary contest for the 10th District.

A relative late entrant to the Assembly race, Nguyen has trailed fellow Democrat Sacramento City Councilmember Eric Guerra, who started fundraising last year for a possible State Senate bid.

Elk Grove City Councilmember Stephanie Nguyen

According to information compiled by the California Secretary of State, Nguyen has received $59,900 in donations in the last two weeks. Among the notable business and individual contributions are the following:

Johnnie Giles, VP external affairs, Comcast – $2,500

Blanca Rubio for Assembly – $4,900

Dave Min for State Senate – $1,000

Peace Officers Research Association – $4,900

Myron Sidie, owner Faces night club Sacramento – $3,700

Re-elect Fiona Ma – $4,900

Luz Rivas for Assembly – $4,900  
PACE of California Employee Association – $9,700

Along with Nguyen and Guerra, there are two other Democratic candidates – Dr. Tecoy Porter, and Bennie Thompkins. The fifth candidate, Eric Rigard, is the only Republican in the race.

Although Nguyen and Guerra are considered the front runners and have been leading in fundraising, as the sole Republican on the ballot, Rigard could gain enough Republican votes to place him in second place and advance to the November general election as one of two top finishers in the June primary. Whoever finishes in first place in the primary is expected to win the November race.