Oak Rose Apartment project appeal to be heard by Elk Grove City Council; implications await Assembly candidate Nguyen

Oak Rose Apartment project appeal to be heard by Elk Grove City Council; implications await Assembly candidate Nguyen
Last year’s denial of the Oak Rose affordable housing project by the Elk Grove Mayor and city council has landed the city in hot water with California Attorney General Rob Bonta.

During their next meeting, the Elk Grove City Council will hear an appeal from the applicants for a project denied by Elk Grove Planning Commission. That proposed project is for the controversial Rosewood Apartment complex on Elk Grove Boulevard in the Old Town Special Planning Area.

The 67-unit affordable housing project has generated controversy among residents in Old Town and east Elk Grove because it will offer services to residents transitioning out of homelessness. Residents voiced cited safety concerns, and the proposed housing density, among other reasons, for their opposition.

The Elk Grove Planning Commission unanimously denied the project on June 2. However, the project applicants have decided to appeal and seek approval from the city council.

Located in District 2, the proposed supportive services development has become a political issue. District 2 candidates Felipe Martin and Rod Brewer, both Democrats, are opposed.

For District 4 City Councilmember and District 10 California Assembly candidate Stephanie Nguyen, the issue presents a possible political minefield. In the primary, she criticized her main opponent, fellow Democrat Sacramento City Councilmember Eric Guerra, for not addressing his city’s growing homeless population.

Should Nguyen affirm the planning commission’s denial, Guerra can neutralize her arguments, saying she opposes solutions to homelessness. However, if Nguyen votes to overturn the appeal, she risks alienating voters.

During the primary, the late Republican candidate Eric Rigard carried the District 2 precincts. While Nguyen could pick up Republican voters by affirming the denial, she could provide Guerra campaign ammunition with more liberal voters by highlighting her rejection of a project to address homelessness.

The City Council meeting is at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 27