Community News
Elk Grove Week at a Glance - Week of November 25
Meeting and events this week include the coming Old Town Dickens Festival.
Community News
Meeting and events this week include the coming Old Town Dickens Festival.
Environmental News
On Nov. 13, seven coho salmon entered CDFW’s new Fall Creek Fish Hatchery in Siskiyou County.
What happens to the mayor's 'pet' project?
Politics & Government
The new city executive started in the last three weeks.
Politics & Government
The five-member body heard two planning items, both of which were unanimously approved.
2024 elections
When the EGUSD certifies its vote in December, Susan Davis, Jennifer Ballerini, and Heidi Moore will be the new trustees representing Areas 1, 6, and 7.
Politics & Government
Although this meeting did not discuss it, Sacramento County voters rejected two STA sales tax hikes to fund several transportation projects.
Politics & Government
The recently completed election cycle witnessed Mayor Singh-Allen accepting the most controversial campaign contribution in the city's 24-year history.
Environmental News
Unfortunately, Newsom didn't include restoring the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, now in its biggest ever ecological crisis, and California salmon fisheries in his campaign to “safeguard California values.”
Law and Justice
The incident happened in October. 2023
Community News
Community News
Meetings and events in Elk Grove