Parent returns to Elk Grove School board, displays images from book found in school library she said are objectionable

Parent accuses school district of sexualizing students

During the Tuesday, May 2 Elk Grove Unified School District Trustee meeting, a mother of district students displayed a book with what she characterized as objectionable images. The display was made during the public comment section on non-agenda items.

Speaking to the board, Ms. Peggy Moore displayed the unnamed graphic novel book she said was in the Sheldon High School library. Moore also spoke during the April 4 EGUSD board meeting, where she claimed district school libraries contained pornographic material.

“The first photo shows a child giving another child a blowjob,” Moore said.

A person accompanying Moore displayed those images and two others from the book while the Trustees heard descriptions.

Moore claimed the graphic novel was in the Sheldon High School Libary and was told it was the only district school with this book. Moore’s entire commentary can be viewed in the video.

Moore’s remarks followed up on her April 4 comments which can be seen in the second video below. During that meeting, Moore read passages she deemed objectionable and characterized as pornographic that she said can be found in library books at Pleasant Grove High School and Kay Albiani Middle School.

As she closed her remarks, Moore questioned the district’s book approval process. Moore also stated the broader goals of her and other parents who spoke during the meeting.

“We are here to stop the sexualization of children in schools and advocate for parental rights and transparency,” she said. “We deserve that, and our kids certainly deserve better.”