Pat Hume is apparent winner of ballot statement ‘teacher’ skirmish but will it cost him?

Pat Hume is apparent winner of ballot statement ‘teacher’ skirmish but will it cost him?

One of the interesting side stories in the District 5 Sacramento County Supervisors race was an earlier skirmish involving Republican and Elk Grove City Councilmembers Pat Hume’s ballot statement. Hume’s initial description of his occupation as a teacher was met with protest from supporters of another Board of Supervisors candidate, Cosumnes Community Service District Director, Democrat Jaclyn Moreno.

After Moreno’s supporters objected to the description, saying Hume had acquired a substitute teacher certification in February was trying to mislead voters. As widely reported in late March, Hume, who reportedly was a substitute teacher for two days, was instructed by Sacramento County elections officials that designation could not appear in the statement.

What should have been a minor kerfuffle in the heated four-candidate race that was dead could have been resurrected. In Sacramento County Voter guides that were mailed show Hume’s occupation in the candidate statement as “Councilmember/Businessman/Teacher.”

The question is how did this appear? Was there faulty reporting, did the county make a mistake, or did Hume win the skirmish?

Regardless of how the designation made its way to the voter guide, it could be a tool for Moreno, and the other two candidates, former Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly and Alex Joe, who could metaphorically bludgeon Hume with claims he is deceptive.

Then again, given many politicians’ stock in trade is voter deception, Hume might avoid fallout lest his opponents face similar accusations. Time will tell if Hume is attacked as being deceptive.