Planning commission comments preview ire to be heard by Elk Grove City Council on Oak Rose, homeless shelter project

Planning commission comments preview ire to be heard by Elk Grove City Council on Oak Rose, homeless shelter project
A show of hands during the planning commission meeting expressing their unhappiness with the two controversial projects to be heard by Elk Grove City Council.

Even though there were just three speakers, the Elk Grove planning commissioners heard comments last week indicating solid public opposition to a planned homeless shelter and reversal of the Oak Rose supportive housing project.

The three speakers gave their remarks during public comments on non-agenda items. Joining the speakers by a show of hand were over two dozen people who attended the Thursday, September 21 meeting in solidarity opposing two controversial projects confronting the Elk Grove City Council this Wednesday.

The projects raising the ire of District 2 residents are a temporary homeless shelter in a city-owed former retail site on Elk Grove Boulevard and Waterman Road and the Oak Rose supportive housing project. Although vehemently opposed, both projects are likely to be approved by Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and her four councilmen.

While the speakers opposed the projects, they also expressed dismay with the city council. One of the speakers noted that in addition to neglecting the geographic areas east of Elk Grove-Florin Road, the city council is indifferent to constituent needs, saying, “It seems like the city is going to allow whatever the city wants no matter what the people want.”

The complete remarks from two of the speakers can be viewed in the video. The Wednesday night city council meeting starts at 6 p.m.