Police acknowledge speeding complaints, highlight enforcement – Will Measure E deliver on promised improved quality of life in Elk Grove?
Summer’s here, and the time is right for racing in the streets – Racing in the Streets, by Bruce Springsteen |
Today at 7:57 a.m. PDT was summer solstice – the first day of summer. With longer, hotter days, many Elk Grove residents spend more time in their yards, and aside from the welcome Delta Breeze, they are subjected to the loud and annoying, not to mention dangerous, conversion of many roads, especially the east-west corridors, into local dragstrips, and increasingly sideshows.
In acknowledgment of this annual occurrence, the Elk Grove Police took to social media yesterday with the following information.
We hear you Elk Grove. In recent weeks, officers have been busy addressing the traffic concerns you have shared with us. We understand that further efforts are required, but we want to assure you that we are actively listening and exerting significant efforts to ensure safe… pic.twitter.com/Ejc8AYJmS2
— EGPD (@ElkGrovePD) June 20, 2023
The Twitter and Facebook posts note that officers have issued 537 citations over the last three weeks.
Measure E revenues are now flowing into city coffers, and public safety receives a plurality of the money. It will be worth monitoring if this improved quality of life issue promised by the mayor and city council will be fulfilled or if it is just another political campaign claptrap to fatten city hall.