SACOG secures funding for rapid flashing beacons for Elk Grove crosswalks

The Sacramento Area Council of Governments requested the grant on behalf of Elk Grove.

SACOG secures funding for rapid flashing beacons for Elk Grove crosswalks
Photo courtesy of U.S Department of Transportation.

On Friday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that $300 million in traffic safety grants had been awarded to communities throughout the state. The city of Elk Grove was among the recipients.

The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), a metropolitan planning organization, requested the grant on behalf of Elk Grove. The $346,100 grant will be used to install rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) at uncontrolled crossings.  

study published in the Journal of Transportation Engineering estimated a crash modification factor (CMF) of 0.31 for total pedestrian crashes at sites with RRFBs, suggesting a potential reduction of 69 percent in pedestrian-involved crashes.

The RRFBs will be installed at seven crosswalks in the city. The locations include Auberry Dr at Monterey Trail High School, Bellaterra Dr at Valgrande Way, Elk Grove Florin Rd at Park Trail Dr, Elk Grove-Florin Rd at Tralee Wy, Kyler Rd at Kammerer Park, Soaring Oaks Dr at Carrcroft Dr, and Vicino Dr at Laguna Creek High School.

In addition, SACOG secured funding for 18 other projects under its jurisdiction. In total, over 288 projects statewide were approved.