Sacramento County Supervisor Sue Frost reports on supposed voter fraud, meetings with ‘experts’

Although the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors held a 12-plus hour meeting on Tuesday, December 7, regarding future plans for the county jail, at the start of the meeting, the public was invited to speak on non-agenda items.

Several of the dozen or so who spoke during this segment addressed a favorite issue of former President Donald Trump and his most loyal supporters – unproven allegations of elections fraud.

Following the comments, Supervisor Sue Frost made an almost 10-minute presentation on the issue, which had not been placed on the agenda. County counsel eventually stopped Frost.

Nonetheless, Frost made several statements about one of the former President’s gripes. Among the names cited by Frost was Dr. Douglas Frank, an associate of My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell.

Frost reported that she and Supervisor Don Nottoli met with several concerned citizens and Dr. Frank.

The matter will be formally heard at next week’s Supervisors’ meeting, Watch the video to see Frost’s entire commentary.

Below are links to some of the people cited by Frost during her presentation.

Dr. Douglas FrankSecond story on Frank

Col. Shawn Smith (Ret.)

CSPOA Calif. Chair Jack Frost Huband of Supervisor Sue Frost