Seen in Old Town Elk Grove – Makes Mayor Singh-Allen’s statement that the city is welcoming to all a bit ironic

Seen in Old Town Elk Grove – Makes Mayor Singh-Allen’s statement that the city is welcoming to all a bit ironic

A posting on Reddit yesterday that reportedly was taken in Old Town-Historic Downtown Elk Grove has generated over 100 comments in the context of political violence.

The picture is of a pickup truck reportedly in the parking lot of the Coatza Brewing Co. on Elk Grove Boulevard. The pickup truck’s gate has a decal showing President Biden hog-tied.

The good news is that almost all the comments condemned the image, even those who said they did not like the President. There was one who defended the vehicle owner’s First Amendment rights as a matter of principle (see some examples below).

Most of the comments are hidden, and the moderator of the Elk Grove section has closed them.

Substantial controversy surrounded the recent hearings on the Oak Rose affordable housing project, which was proposed to be directly across the street from the brewery. Many Old Town merchants and residents forced Mayor Singh-Allen and her city council to move the project to another part of Elk Grove under the pretense it would fill Old Town with people they characterized as rif-raf.

In defense of criticism that she and her city councilmen were discriminatory in their opposition to the proposed original Old Town site, Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen repeatedly stressed the city is welcoming to all. Indeed, all types, even those threatening violence against the President of the United States, are welcome to Old Town-Historic Downtown Elk Grove.

Rif-Raf is swarming Old Town even without the affordable supportive housing project – imagine that!