Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper appears in TV ad in support of Proposition 1

Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper appears in TV ad in support of Proposition 1

The only statewide initiative on the March 5, 2024 California primary ballot is Proposition 1.

Backed by Gov. Gavin Newsom and many law enforcement officials, Proposition 1, called “Behavioral Health Services Program and Bond Measure,” would, according to, “fund a $6.4 billion bond to drastically expand the state’s mental health and substance abuse treatment infrastructure. A majority of the money, $4.4 billion, would be used to build 10,000 in-patient and residential treatment beds across the state.”

Appearing on behalf of the measure in the Sacramento area is Sheriff Jim Cooper. This advertisement has appeared in recent days on various cable TV programs.

Along with Newsom’s support, notable backing comes from California Professional Firefighters, California Business Roundtable, California Chamber of Commerce, California Hospital Association, and Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission.

Opponents include Cal Voices, Disability Rights California, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, League of Women Voters of California, and Mental Health America of California.

According a poll released last week of likely voters by UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies showed the proposition had 50 percent support compared to 34 percent opposed. The poll said 16 percent were undecided (see polling table below video).

A simple majority is needed for approval.