Singh-Allen does not respond, accept invitation to Elk Grove mayoral forum

Is Singh-Allen dodging questions about accepting big tobacco money?

Singh-Allen does not respond, accept invitation to Elk Grove mayoral forum
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki / Unsplash

After being invited to help organize and conduct an Elk Grove mayoral candidate forum, Bobbie Singh-Allen did not respond. Elk Grove mayoral candidate Lynn Wheat extended that invitation.

Ms. Wheat is challenging the two-term mayor in this year's general election. The invitation was extended on September 6, and Ms. Singh-Allen was asked to respond by September 10.

A press release from Wheat noted, "Singh-Allen has failed to respond to Ms. Wheat's request to participate in a candidate's forum."

"It is unfortunate that the current mayor does not share the same democratic principles as myself - that candidates should make themselves available to the public in order to help voters make an informed decision," Wheat said.

Singh-Allen has raised over $250,000 for her reelection bid, including $2,500 from tobacco producer R. J. Reynolds. The mayor is employed as a lobbyist for gas stations and convenience stores, which generate a large portion of sales and profits from selling cigarettes and vaping products from companies like R. J. Reynolds.

Wheat and Pastor are not actively raising campaign contributions, and Wheat tacitly acknowledged Singh-Allen's overwhelming financial advantage. She nonetheless was undeterred in her defense of aiding the democratic process and her campaign's goals.

The statement noted, "Ms. Wheat reiterated that her campaign is focused solely on giving voters a choice for the highest position in the city and that she is proud that the Mayor's position will not be selected by appointment, but rather giving the voters a choice through the election process."

More information about Wheat's campaign is available on her social media page.