Sky River Casino to expand off-duty police contract with Elk Grove saying need is ‘higher than anticipated’

On the consent calendar for the Wednesday, September 14, Elk Grove City Council meeting, the city council will be asked to approve an expanded contract with Sky River Casino to use off-duty Elk Grove Police officers for security services. Consent calendar agenda items are typically approved without city council discussion.
According to the report, the city had contracted with Wilton Rancheria, owner of the casino, to provide security services using off-duty police officers. The casino pays the off-duty officers overtime rates.
As noted, “Since Sky River Casino’s opening, the request for extra-duty police services has been significantly higher than anticipated and staff anticipates reaching the $50,000 threshold required for City Council approval in 2022.” The original contract was for less than $50,000, which the city manager can approve, but once it exceeds that amount, city council approval is needed.
In addition to the labor cost, the casino will pay for administrative and vehicle expenses associated with the expanded contract. Expanded use of the police officers is expected to continue on “a regular basis during peak hours over the next couple of months, and on an as-needed basis thereafter.”