State of county public safety address from Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho
Today, Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho delivered his second annual state of public safety address. The hour-long program included presentations from other elected officials.
Mr. Ho recently completed his second year of his first term as Sacramento County's District Attorney.
Below are the time marks for the presentations and commentary in the video of today's event. You can also watch the video with the embedded time marks here.
00:00:00 Opening
00:01:00 Pledge of Allegiance, State Senator Angelique Ashby
00:01:31 Opening remarks Thien Ho
00:14:12 Sacramento County supervisors Rich Desmond and Pat Hume
00:23:36 Thien Ho continues presentation; remarks about fentanyl crisis
00:24:41 Parents of fentanyl victim Cameron March
00:32:56 Mr. Ho continues the commentary on the fentanyl crisis
00:36:02 Folom Police Lt. David Canepa
00:40:25 Ho's commentary on voter-approved Proposition 36
00:42:16 Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen on Proposition 36
00:45:59 Ho continues the commentary on Proposition 36
00:47:53 Senior supervising deputy district attorney Sonia Martinez Satchell community outreach
00:49:38 Community group La Familia's Franco Garcia on community townhall meetings
00:52:57 Ho's commentary on mental health diversion programs
01:00:06 California Assemblymember Stephanie Nguyen on proposed legislation to repeal mental health diversion programs
01:04:06 Closing remarks