State Senate District 8 candidate Dave Jones expresses solidarity with UFW, urges AB 2183 to be signed into law

State Senate District 8 candidate Dave Jones expresses solidarity with UFW, urges AB 2183 to be signed into law

One of the most visible pieces of legislation on Gov. Gavin Newson’s stacks of pending bills is Assembly Bill 2183. Passed by the Assembly and the Senate, the legislation would ease the voting standards for organizing farm workers.

Although the bill has broad support, Newsom has been silent on whether he will sign the law, but President Biden has urged it to be signed into law. In the past legislative sessions, a similar bill was vetoed by Newson.

The United Farm Workers have pushed the bill, and in their efforts to raise awareness, the union is staging a vigil at the Capitol urging it be signed into law. Among the people who have shown solidarity with the UFW is State Senate District 8 candidate Dave Jones.

“Farmworkers are essential workers whose work is back-breaking, with low pay, and limited if any healthcare benefits,” Jones said. “They deserve the right to be able to organize to bargain collectively for better working conditions, pay and benefits.”

Jones had joined others at the Capitol vigil, including Assemblymember Kevin McCarty and Amar Shergill, Chair of the Progressive Democratic caucus.

Jones has urged Newsom to sign the bill saying “it gives farmworkers the right to vote by mail for a union to represent them, just as every voter in California has the right to vote by mail to decide who will be elected to represent them.”