Elk Grove News Podcast – California Assembly District 10 candidate Stephanie Nguyen town hall forum

Elk Grove News Podcast – California Assembly District 10 candidate Stephanie Nguyen town hall forum
California Assembly District 10 candidate Stephanie Nguyen.

On Thursday, September 22, the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association  – APAPA – co-hosted a town hall forum featuring California Assembly District 10 candidate Elk Grove City Council member Stephanie Nguyen.

The town hall was held at APAPA’s Sacramento office.

On this edition of Elk Grove News Podcast, we have a recording of the forum, which featured Nguyen answering a series of questions.

On Wednesday, September 21, APAPA held a separate forum featuring the other District 10 candidate, Sacramento City Council member Eric Guerra.

Unfortunately, we were unable to attend that forum, and APAPA did not broadcast the forum via Zoom as originally planned.

Our apologies to the Guerra campaign.

Nguyen answered questions on inflation, climate change, public safety, small business support, homelessness, the conversion to electric vehicles, and her political ideology.

Portions of this recording are not optimal, but almost all of Nguyen’s answers are audible.

Listen Time 38 minutes.