
10th District Assembly race heats up as campaign attack website questions one candidate’s Democratic credentials; The Jones, Hume Republican connection

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10th District Assembly race heats up as campaign attack website questions one candidate’s Democratic credentials; The Jones, Hume Republican connection

The intensity in the already acrimonious primary battle for California’s 10th District California Assembly went to a higher level today with the unveiling of a website attacking one of the leading contenders in the race. The website, launched by Sacramento City Councilmember and California Assembly candidate Eric Guerra questions

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Scratching a little below the surface reveals who candidates are receiving support from; Who matters, contributors or constituents?

Elk Grove voters are swamped with mailers, and increasingly during this election cycle, online and social media political advertising. As is the practice, top tier candidates receive advertising support from so-called independent expenditure committees. Voters have been receiving mailers from groups with fairly evident names about their intentions. For example,