Law and Justice
Law and Justice
Law and Justice
Citrus Heights Couple Indicted for participation in $1 Million Unemployment Insurance Benefits Fraud Scheme
Law and Justice
Confidence high for Elk Grove-Oak Rose lawsuit settlement – ‘Watch the magic happen right before your very eyes’
Law and Justice
Convicted child molester sentenced to 276 years by Sacramento Superior Court Judge
Law and Justice
January 9 court filing by Oak Rose plaintiff says Elk Grove Mayor, City Council violated SB35’s hearing procedures
Law and Justice
State prevails in fair housing lawsuit, Fullerton agrees to build thousands of affordable housing units
Law and Justice
Are the Oak Rose, state lawsuits mutually exclusive? State lawsuit against Elk Grove still featured in AG’s update
Current News
Revealing Dirty Money – What California can learn from Florida about elected officials’ financial disclosures
The row between California Governor Gavin Newsom and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over the last few years is well documented. That row culminated late last year when the two governors shared a stage with Fox News’ Sean Hannity for a debate that was more like a gotch-ya session. Regarding governance,
Current News
Has Elk Grove waved the white flag acknowledging their Oak Rose negotiations failure, imminent approval?
Current News
Will the Elk Grove Mayor, City Council exploit a new law and give themselves a pay raise in 2024?
Of the slew of new laws that became effective in 2024 is Senate Bill 329. Signed into law last June by Gov. Gavin Newsom, the legislation increased the pay ceiling for city council members in California general law cities. Before its enactment, the city council could only raise their salary
Environmental News
Conservation groups file lawsuit against the environmentally destructive Sites Reservoir
WOODLAND, Calif.— Five conservation groups filed a lawsuit on Dec. 20 against the controversial Sites Reservoir, the largest reservoir project approved in California in decades. This reservoir would harm the Sacramento River ecosystem and threaten already imperiled salmon and other fish species, the lawsuit contends. Represented by the Law Offices
Law and Justice