The wrong message from dais for the 2 new Elk Grove City Council members

Brewer, Robles break city council’s unwritten dress code

If there has been one constant on the Elk Grove City Council for at least 15 years, it has been the male members of the council have consistently presented with a jacket and tie, and women members have always dressed professionally.

The last city council member who did not follow the unwritten dress code was former Elk Grove City Councilmember Mike Leary. In the years before he was voted out of office and became a convicted felon, Leary would periodically show up at city council meetings with sunglasses on his head in casual – sans tie and jacket – attire.

One constant, especially in pre and post-COVID meetings, has been the professional attire of council members. But there was a step back at the Wednesday, January 25 meeting.

In only their third meeting, the two newest members of the Elk Grove City Council, Rod Brewer, and Sergio Robles decided to ditch their ties. Conversely, since they joined the city council, Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen has been professionally attired, while Darren Suen and Kevin Spease have always appeared in jackets and ties while on the dais.

Not to belabor the point, male city staff members are always in jackets and ties, and women staffers are professionally attired. Professional appearances matter if you are going to be taken seriously and show respect to constituents.

In only their third meeting, it was disappointing to see Mr. Brewer and Mr. Robles have decided to ditch their ties. They are sending the message that removing their ties for the meeting is like taking off your tie as you belly up to the buffet line or bar.

Come on, fellas, do better and take the voters’ trust placed in you seriously enough to meet the standards established by your predecessors and current colleagues. When you appear on the dais, be appropriately attired and act like you are conducting the people’s business and not taking your tie off after a busy day at the office as your prepare for another round at Buffalo Wild Wing’s happy hour.