To serve and protect Sergio Robles’ drunk driving arrest – Elk Grove City Council censure officially off the table

Based on responses from members of the Elk Grove City Council and the city’s censure rules, admitted drunk driver and Elk Grove City Councilmember Sergio Robles has evaded accountability.

Yesterday Elk Grove Mayor Bobbies Singh-Allen, Vice Mayor Kevin Spease, and council members Rod Brewer and Darren Suen were asked via email if they would pursue a censure. The censure rules allow the procedure to be initiated by two city council members outside of a public meeting and not within the scope of the Brown Act.

During the Wednesday, May 24, city council meeting, none of the four council members eligible to initiate the procedure indicated support. Not surprisingly, Singh-Allen and Brewer did not respond to the inquiry.

However, Spsase and Suen responded. Both said they opposed censure.

Spease said, “I will not be pursuing censure.” In typical fashion, Suen did not answer the question and instead said, “I am very disappointed in his choice but support his willingness to do better.” During Wednesday’s meeting, Robles said he would behave better but did not say he would modify his well-documented alcohol consumption.

According to the censure rules, a majority of four council members eligible to vote, meaning three out of four, is required to issue the censure. Given Brewer and Singh Allen’s avoidance of the issue, and more significantly, Suen and Spease’s censure opposition, Robles will evade accountability by his peers because there are not enough votes to support an action even if it was initiated.

However, Robles will still be held to account by the Sacramento County District Attorney.

The Elk Grove City Council’s decision to shield Sergio Robles’ objectionable, dangerous, and illegal behavior shows an absence of integrity.